
The Arctic-News Blog describes the situation in the Arctic, highlighting the threat of albedo changes and large emissions of greenhouse gases due to decline of snow and ice and abrupt methane eruptions from the Arctic Ocean seafloor. Contributors to the blog all share a deep concern about the way climate change is unfolding in the Arctic and the threat that this poses for the world at large.

Posts cover topics such as sea ice, permafrost and methane clathrates, and will typically address recent developments on such topics. Posts are typically left as they are, in order to provide an archive on such developments. To find posts on a topic, a list of labels (or keywords) is added in the panel on the right hand side.

In addition to posts, the Arctic-News Blog contains pages that provide general background on topics. These pages are updated from time to time to reflect new developments. A list of pages is included in the panel in the right hand side. Further blogs, pages at facebook and groups at facebook are mentioned below. Note that only posts at this blog will show up when doing a label search.

Further blogs and facebook pages and groups set up and moderated or edited by Sam Carana include:

These blogs, pages and groups may focus on specific topics, such as the threat of methane eruptions from the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean and ways to reduce the risks. To find out more on such specific topics, it's therefore a good idea to also visit these blogs and groups.

Posts at the Arctic-News Blog generally contain content that is provided by contributors. Content is often based on news releases of relevant scientific studies and on data from sources such as NOAA and NASA. Posts are often illustrated by images that are edited or custom-made by Sam Carana.

The Arctic-News Blog operates without income from donations or advertising, using free online facilities. Contributors and supporters neither pay nor receive money for their support or for contributions to be posted. The way the Arctic-News Blog operates underlines the point that anyone can speak out on issues of importance, and can do so even without support from academic institutions or financial sponsors. Furthermore, the way the Arctic-News Blog operates enables concerns to be posted without the often prolonged periods of review and editing that are common when publishing articles in scientific journals. In this way, the Arctic-News Blog offers an alternative to mainstream media that often feature talking heads and news reports that are sensationalized and seek to please advertisers and sponsors, rather than that they had anything of substance to say.


A number of contributors have kindly provided content over the years, including:
Peter Wadhams
Mark Jacobson
Stephen Salter
Malcolm Light
Paul Beckwith
Patrick Malone
Peter Carter
Veli Albert Kallio
Harold Hensel
Leonid Yurganov
Gary Houser
Jim Pettit
Renaud de Richter
Oliver Tickell
Douglas Spence
John Nissen
John Davies
Bru Pearce
Patrick McNulty
Jennifer Hynes
David Spratt
Greg Rau
Andrew Glikson
Aaron Franklin
Nathan Currier
Omar Cabrera
Nick Breeze
Roelof Schuiling
Guy McPherson
Stuart Scott
Jennifer Francis
David Page
Bob Cohen
Sam Carana

Attribution and differences in views:

Note that clicking on above names will produce both posts written be the respective contributor as well as posts that may merely mention the name of a specific contributor. As editor, Sam Carana may add posts written by a specific contributor, in which case the name of the respective contributor will typically be added at the top of posts, accompanied by a description with further background on the contributor.

Contributors each express their own view and care has been taken that links are added to the most relevant sources, where applicable. Posts are written by Sam Carana where no name of a specific contributor is added at the top. Where views among contributors differ significantly, points can be added to the Debate page, to further clarify the views of specific contributors.

Further background on contributors:

- Dr. Peter Wadhams - Emeritus Professor of Ocean Physics, former Head of the Polar Ocean Physics Group at University of Cambridge. damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/pw11

- Dr. Mark Z. Jacobson - Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science, University of California at Los Angeles, web.stanford.edu/group/efmh/jacobson, Director of TheSolutionsProject

- Dr. Stephen Salter - Emeritus Professor of Engineering Design at the University of Edinburgh, School of Engineering. research.ed.ac.uk/portal/shs

- Dr. Malcolm Light - Earth Science Consultant, Ph.D. University of London. Malcolm has long been warning about the methane danger, e.g. see this 2002 poster. See also the Dr. Malcolm Light page with interview by Dorsi Diaz.

- Paul Beckwith - part-time professor with the laboratory for paleoclimatology and climatology, teaches climatology/meteorology and does PhD research on 'Abrupt climate change in the past and present' at University of Ottawa. See Paul's videos at youtube and website at PaulBeckwith.net

- J. Patrick Malone - Evolutionary Neuropsychologist, has done years of doctoral-level research statistics work, worked as Assistant Professor of Mathematics, works for the Union of Concerned Scientists and does research for Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS).

- Dr. Peter D. Carter - founder of the Climate Emergency Institute. The book Unprecedented Crime - Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival, co-authored by Peter, reached number one on climate change at Amazon in May 2018.

- Veli Albert Kallio - Vice-President Environmental Affairs of Sea Research Society and Chairman of Frozen Isthmuses’ Protection Campaign of the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans.

- Harold Hensel - Risk Analyst and Head of Hensel Insurance Agency
See the Harold Hensel page with interview by Dorsi Diaz.

- Dr. Leonid Yurganov - Atmospheric Physicist, Senior Research Scientist at University of Maryland. Has done major research into methane releases over the Arctic Ocean.

- Gary Houser - Public Interest Writer, Producer of the documentary Sleeping Giant In The Arctic, Can Thawing Permafrost Cause Runaway Global Heating?

- Jim Pettit - creator of Pettit Climate Graphs, on facebook as Jim.Pettit.

- Dr. Renaud de Richter - Ph.D. University of Montpellier, Institut Charles Gerhardt, worked at Institut Charles Gerhardt, Montpellier.

- Oliver Tickell - Editor of The Ecologist, founder of Kyoto2, co-author of Olivine against climate change and ocean acidification and more.

- Douglas Spence - Software Engineer, interested party and concerned citizen.

- John Nissen - Founding member of the Arctic Methane Emergency Group (AMEG).

- John Davies - Studied at University College, Cardiff, Environmental Activist.

- Bru Pearce - Writer at Envisionation.

- Patrick McNulty - Inventor of Ocean Tunnels.

- Jennifer Hynes - Project Leader, Presenter and Producer of documentaries on The Arctic Methane Monster.

- David Spratt - Studied at Australian National University, co-authored Climate Code Red and posts at ClimateCodeRed.org.

- Dr. Greg Rau - Senior Research Scientist at Institute of Marine Sciences of University of California, Santa Cruz | UCSC

- Dr. Andrew Glikson - Earth and Paleoclimate Scientist, Visiting Fellow, School of Archaeology and Anthropology, Australian National University.

- Aaron Franklin - Planetary Systems Engineer.

- Nathan Currier - Founder of 1250, served as Methane Specialist and Senior Climate Advisor for Public Policy Virginia, has been published by MIT Press, and writes on climate for Huffington Post.

- Omar Cabrera - Creator of Methanetracker.org (no longer operational). See the youtube videos: Methanetracker (channel), video 1 of 2, video 2 of 2, both videos (playlist).

- Nick Breeze - Writer at Envisionation, Producer of documentaries and videos (Vimeo).

- Dr. Roelof Schuiling - Emeritus Professor, Earth Sciences, Utrecht University. Board member of The Olivine Foundation.

- Dr. Guy McPherson - Professor emeritus at University of Arizona, conservation biologist and prominent speaker on abrupt climate change leading to near-term human extinction. guymcpherson.com

- Stuart Scott - Director of the United Planet Faith & Science Initiative, producing climate videos that can be viewed at Climate Matters TV

- Dr. Jennifer Francis - Research Professor at the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences at Rutgers University, where she studies Arctic climate change and the link between the Arctic and global climates. jenniferafrancis.com

- Dr. David Page - Terrestrial geologist with research interests in early-life and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction on Earth and the other planets.

- Jan Umsonst - Earth-System Nerd, posts at Linkedin, facebook and bluesky.

- Bob Cohen - retired legal aid attorney, posts at facebook

- Sam Carana - Editor of the Arctic-news Blog and Author of the Climate Plan.

If you'd like to be added as contributor, or would like to discuss this blog's content privately, send a private message to facebook.com/SamCarana

Support and discussion

Supporters of the Arctic-News Blog are encouraged to set up or join local groups working along the lines of the Climate Plan. An overview of relevant facebook groups is displayed at the top of this page. You are encouraged to comment and discuss things at the Arctic-news group.

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