
Emissions include CO2, CH4, CO, SO2 and SO4 (particulates), black carbon, etc.
Greenhouse gases include Water vapor, CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, ozone.
See also the separate methane page, with images and graphs of methane readings, at:

Carbon dioxide levels

The Scripps image below shows carbon dioxide levels at Mauna Loa in May 2017 that are well above 410 ppm.

The image below shows carbon dioxide levels on May 18, 2017. The color indicates that the highest levels were present over the Arctic.

Both above images are from the post 'Arctic Warming - Update May 2017', at:

Emissions geographically

Below are categories by geographic area.


NEW YORK (Jan 28 + 29, 2016, and Nov 5, 2015)
The image below shows carbon dioxide levels as high as 511 ppm over New York on November 5, 2015, and as high as 500 ppm over the water off the coast of coast of New Jersey on November 2, 2015.

CO2 511 ppmv Nov 5, 2015 New York
used at:
2015 warmest year on record

CO2 478 ppmv Jan 29, 2016 New York

CO2 461 ppmv Jan 28, 2016 New York

CO level of 2077 ppb January 6, 2016, New York
used at:
2015 warmest year on record

CO 2164 ppbv Jan 28, 2016 New York

CO 2249 ppbv Jan 29, 2016 New York

CO 2250 ppbv Jan 29, 2016 New York

or best:
CO 2255 ppbv Jan 29, 2016 New York
used at
Arctic sea ice area at record low for time of year

SO2 150.61 µg/m3 Jan 28, 2016 New York

SO2 163.07 µg/m3 Jan 29, 2016 New York


Off NA coast
CO2 461 ppmv Jan 28, 2016

CO2 500 ppmv November 2, 2015 Off NA coast
used at:
2015 warmest year on record
(see above image)

CO2 422 ppmv Jan 28, 2016 Off NA coast

CO2 474 ppmv

CO near New York
40.50° N, 75.31° W ✕
40° @ 5 km/h
2346 ppbv

CO2 New York
40.75° N, 73.20° W ✕
230° @ 10 km/h
474 ppmv

CO 528 ppbv Dec 28, 2015 Off NA coast
used at:
2015 warmest year on record

CO 274 ppbv Jan 18, 2016, off NA coast
used at:
Why America should lead on climate

CO 440 ppbv Jan 28, 2016 Off NA coast

particulates SO4 0.210 τ Jan 28, 2016 Off NA coast

particulates SO4 0.058 τ Jan 18, 2016 Off NA coast

SO2 0.29 µg/m3 Jan 18, 2016 Off NA coast


CO2 New Jersey 441 ppmv

CO New Jersey 1.49 ppmv

CO New Jersey 1.55 ppmv

CO 890 ppbv Jan 18, 2016 New Jersey
used in the post at:

CO 898 ppbv Jan 18, 2016 New Jersey

U.S. west coast

Very high carbon monoxide levels were recorded on the U.S. west coast on February 26, 2016, as high as 46,931 ppb.

Also, very high carbon dioxide levels were recorded over California on February 26, 2016, as high as 990 ppm.


CO levels were as high as 2537 ppbv (or 2.537 ppmv) off the coast of China on February 8, 2016.

CO levels were as high as 3226 ppbv (or 3.226 ppmv) off the coast of China on February 12, 2016.


500 ppmv

503 ppmv


331.01 µg/m3http://earth.nullschool.net/#2016/04/25/1800Z/chem/surface/level/anim=off/overlay=so2smass/winkel3/loc=87.813,69.750

The image below shows wildfires in Russia on September 18, 2016.

The image below shows that on September 18, 2016, these wildfires resulted in carbon monoxide levels as high as 24,309 ppb (top), and carbon dioxide levels as high as 612 ppm (bottom).

The image below shows that, on September 19, 2016, carbon monoxide levels were as high as 38,035 ppb (green circle left) and carbon dioxide levels were as high as 701 ppm (green circle right).

From the post 'Arctic Sea Ice September 2016 - Update', at:

Wildfires can add huge amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and black carbon (BC or soot) into the atmosphere.

While CO and soot are not included as greenhouse gases by the IPCC, they can have strong warming impact. CO acts as a scavanger of hydroxyl, thus extending the lifetime of methane. BC results from biomass burning, which a study by Mark Jacobson found to cause 20 year global warming of ~0.4 K. Moreover, BC has a darkening effect when settling on snow and ice, making that less sunlight gets reflected back into space, which accelerates warming. This hits the Arctic particularly hard during the Northern Summer, given the high insolation at high latitudes at that time of year.

The image below shows fires around the globe on August 12, 2016.

Visible in the top right corner of above image are wildfires in Russia's Far East. The image below zooms in on these wildfires.

The image below shows carbon dioxide levels as high as 713 ppm and carbon monoxide levels as high as 32,757 ppb on August 12, 2016, at the location marked by the green circle, i.e. the location of the wildfires in Russia's Far East.

As said, wildfires can also emit huge amounts of methane. The image below shows methane levels as high as 2230 ppb at 766 mb.
The magenta-colored areas on above image and the image below indicate that these high methane levels are caused by these wildfires in Russia's Far East. The image below shows methane levels as high as 2517 ppb at 586 mb.
Methane levels as high as 2533 ppb were recorded that day (at 469 mb), compared to a mean global peak of 1857 ppb that day.

Analysis by Global Fire Data found that the 2015 Indonesian fires produced more CO2e (i.e. CO2 equivalent of, in this case, CO2, CH4 and N2O) than the 2013 CO2 emissions from fossil fuel by nations such as Japan and Germany. On 26 days in August and September 2015, emissions from Indoniasian fires exceeded the average daily emissions from all U.S. economic activity, as shown by the WRI image below.
Methane emissions from wildfires can sometimes be broken down relatively quickly, especially in the tropics, due to the high levels of hydroxyl in the atmosphere there. Conversily, methane from wildfires at higher latitudes can persist much longer and will have strong warming impact, especially at higher latitudes.

Similarly, CO2 emissions from wildfires in the tropics can sometimes be partly compensated for by regrowth of vegetation after the fires. However, regrowth can be minimal in times of drought, when forests are burned to make way for other land uses or when peat is burned, and especially at higher latitudes where the growth season is short and weather conditions can be harsh. Carbon in peat lands was built up over thousands of years and even years of regrowth cannot compensate for this loss.

A recent study concludes that there is strong correlation between fire risk for South America and high sea surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. This makes the current situation very threatening. As the image below shows, sea surface temperature anomalies were very high on August 12, 2016.

Above from the post 'Wildfires in Russia's Far East', at:

See also the separate methane page, with images and graphs of methane readings, at:

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